FAQs & Court Information

What courts does RK Law appear in?

No matter which level of the court system you’re interacting with, RK Law has the expertise and the contacts to represent you. If this is your first time dealing with the court system, here are some questions our clients frequently ask.

Magistrates Court

Can you appear in court without me?

We are based in Central Queensland, so the closest Magistrates Courts to us are:
– Rockhampton Magistrates Court
– Yeppoon Magistrates Court
– Gladstone Magistrates Court
– Biloela Magistrates Court
– Emerald Magistrates Court
– Mackay Magistrates Court

Beyond Central Queensland, Rowan King is able to appear in other Magistrates Court locations, including:
– Brisbane
– Gold Coast
– Cairns
– Townsville

Contact us if you’re appearing in another Court.

What matters go to the Magistrates Court?

The Queensland Magistrates Court deals with the majority of cases (or ‘matters’). Most criminal charges start in the Magistrates Court, but the Magistrates can only deal with criminal charges where the maximum sentence to be imposed is less than 3 years imprisonment. This includes:
– Driving offences
– Stealing
– Minor assaults
– Public nuisance

Personal disputes of up to $150,000 are the responsibility of the Magistrates Court. The Magistrates Court also deals with civil disputes, like:
– Domestic violence applications
– Peace and good behaviour orders

If your case is more serious, the Magistrate will transfer (or ‘commit’) your case to the District or Supreme Court.

What if I can’t make it to court?

You can’t just send an email or phone in to excuse yourself from appearing in court. If you fail to appear in court, whether you are sick or at work, the court may issue a warrant for your arrest.

What if I miss court?

If you miss court, and a warrant is issued for you, you must surrender yourself to court as soon as you can. If the police catch you, then you may be charged with Failing to Appear in Court.

Can you appear in court without me?

If you are a client of RK Law, we can generally appear without you and adjourn or postpone your case to another date. We are in court every day, so there is no need to be anxious.

District and Supreme Court

Which courts can RK Law represent me in?

In Central Queensland, RK Law regularly appears in:
– Rockhampton District and Supreme Court
– Mackay District and Supreme Court
– Gladstone District Court
– Emerald District Court

What matters go to the District or Supreme Court?

The District Court deals with criminal charges that carry a penalty between 3 years and 14 years imprisonment. This includes offences like:
– Grievous bodily harm
– Serious assault
– Rape and sexual offences
– Serious fraud offences
– Drug offences

The Supreme Court deals with Criminal Charges that carry a penalty of more than 14 years imprisonment. This includes offences like:
– Murder
– Drug trafficking
– Commercial drug offences

Because these offences are more serious, the hearings of these matters are conducted by a Jury.

The District Court also deals with personal disputes between $150,000 and $750,000.  The Supreme Court deals with personal disputes over $750,000.

Does a District or Supreme Court charge mean prison time?

Most offences in the District and Supreme Court require that the person charged spend actual time in prison if they plead or are found guilty. RK Law have access to the best defence barristers in Queensland, and we can ensure that you have the best defence team on your side.

QCAT or Administrative Appeals Tribunal

How can RK Law help with a Tribunal hearing?

The Administrative Tribunals are a review mechanism if you have been impacted by a decision made by a government. This may be a decision to:
– Refuse a Blue Card
– Refuse approval to be a foster carer
– Seize your vehicle or other property

QCAT (the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal) also has powers to deal with minor civil disputes like:
– Minor debts under $25,000
– Fence and tree disputes

Having a lawyer represent you at a Tribunal isn’t always necessary, but we speak the right legal language to help you get the outcome that you need. Why risk it alone when you can have an expert lawyer stand up for you?

Crime and Corruption Commission

How can RK Law help with a CCC hearing?

The CCC is Queensland’s anti-corruption body, dealing with corruption that affects the state’s public sector, including the police. The CCC investigates major crime such as drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, criminal paedophilia and homicide.

If you are required to attend coercive hearings or you are being questioned by the CCC, call us for advice and representation.

Federal Courts

Which Federal Courts can RK Law represent me in?

RK Law have appeared in:
– Federal Circuit Court of Australia
– Family Court of Australia
– Federal Court

Federal court matters range from appeals to family law, civil matters and some criminal matters.

While there is a Federal Court in Rockhampton, we appear in any federal court from Hobart to Cairns, Rockhampton to Perth.

Contact us if you have a federal court matter that requires local legal expertise.

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